Big Data Analytics
5 Vs of Big Data- Volume
- Velocity
- Variety
- Veracity
- value
- Reliable Distributed File system
- Data kept in “chunks” spread across machines
- Each chunk replicated on different machines.(if machine/disk) failure, recovery seamlessly)
- Bring computation directly to data
- Chunk servers also servers as compute servers
privacy, algorithmic black boxes, filter bubble.
Programming model:A programming model, a parallel, data aware, fault-tolerant implementation
mappers:(Slide P11)
The Map function takes an input element as its argument and produces zero or more key-value pairs. The types of keys and values are each arbitrary. Further, keys are not “keys” in the usual sense; they do not have to be unique. Rather a Map task can produce several key-value pairs with the same key, even from the same element.
reducers:(Slide P11)
The Reduce function’s argument is a pair consisting of a key and its list of associated values. The output of the Reduce function is a sequence of zero or more key-value pairs. These key-value pairs can be of a type different from those sent from Map tasks to Reduce tasks, but often they are the same type. We shall refer to the application of the Reduce function to a single key and its associated list of values as a reducer. A Reduce task receives one or more keys and their associated value lists. That is, a Reduce task executes one or more reducers. The outputs from all the Reduce tasks are merged into a single file.
combiners. When the Reduce function is associative and commutative, we can push some of what the reducers do to the Map tasks
- MapReduce can process data that doesn’t fit in memory, through parallelization. Every map task will process an input split only, which fits in memory.
- MapReduce is a parallel programming environment, for clusters of commodity computers.
- MapReduce is a fault-tolerant framework
- MapReduce leverages a distributed file system (GPFS – HDFS) which allows tasks to be scheduled where the data is (data locality).
- MapReduce replicate tasks (so-called “backup tasks”) to deal with stragglers
- There are multiple open source implementations
- The MapReduce master is a single point of failure and possibly a performance bottleneck
- MapReduce can only process data represented as key-value pairs
- The fact that MapReduce is meant for large clusters makes it prone to failure and communication times
- MapReduce’s intermediate results are stored on disk
Differences with MapReduce.(Compare)Features | Spark | MapReduce |
Speed | Faster Computation | / |
Data Processing | Spark speeds up batch processing via in-memory computation and processing optimization | it stores data on-disk, which means it can handle large datasets |
Real Time Analysis | Yes | No |
Easy use | Easier | / |
Fault Tolerance | Spark uses RDD and various data storage models for fault tolerance by minimizing network I/O. | Hadoop achieves fault tolerance through replication. |
Security | infancy | good |
Compatibility | Apache Spark is much more advanced cluster computing engine than MapReduce. |
Recommendation systems
Formal Model:: Set of customers
: Set of items
: Utility function,
- Main idea: Recommend the item to customer similar to preview items rated highly by .
- item profiles: Set of item features
- user profiles: E.g., average rating and variation
- cosine distance:
Collaborative filtering
Latent factors
Pros and cons of each method
- Content-based:
- Pros
- +No need for data for other users
- +Able to recommend to users with unique tastes
- +Able to recommend new&un-pop items
- +Easy to explain
- Cons
- -Find the appropriate features is hard
- -New Users? what should do?
- -Overspecialization:
- Never recommends items outside user’s content profiles
- Users have multi interests
- Unable to exploit quality judgments of other users
- Pros
- Collaborative filtering (Slide P34)
- Pros
- +Work for all kind of items. No features selection needed
- Cons
- -Cold start, need enough users in the system to find match
- -Sparsity, the user/ratings matrix is sparse, hard to find users that rate the same items
- -New coming one, cannot recommend item that has not been previously rated.
- -Popularity bias, cannot recommend items to someone with unique taste, trend to recommend pop items
- Pros
- Content-based:
Biases (user and item)
- Latent factors with bias (Slide P23)
- Latent factors with bias (Slide P23)
Evaluation with RMSE
Hierarchical clustering (agglomerative)(Slide P13)Kmeans(Slide P22)
Kmeans++ (Kmean++)
The only different with Kmeans is the initialization part:
CURE (Slide P32)
Frequent itemsets (Slide)
Definitions:- frequent itemsets [P8]->Example[P9]: Given a support threshold , the sets of items that at least basket
- association rules [P10]->Example[P12]: means if we have in the basket, then it is likely to have .
- support [P8]->Example[P9]: For a given itemset , the number of basket that contain all items in
- confidence [P10]->Example[P12]: Probability of given .
- interest P[11]->Example[P12]:
PCY algorithm
- The algorithm:
Mid-Pass: Replaces buckets by bit vectors, means , otherwise.
Pass2: Only count pairs which hash to frequent bucket.
- Both and are frequent items.
- hash to bit vector which value is .
- An Example:
Random sampling
SON algorithm
Stream processing
Sampling a fixed proportion (As the stream grows the sample also grows) (Slide P14)
To get a sample of fraction of the stream:
- Hash each tuple’s key uniformly into buckets
- Pick the tuple if its hash value is at most
If we want to generate a sample?
Hash into buckets, take the tuples if the hash value is
Sampling a fixed-size sample (Reservoir sampling) (Slide P17)
After elements, the sample contains each element seen so far with probability
Sampling a fixed proportion (As the stream grows the sample also grows) (Slide P14)
Counting 1s in sliding windows: DGIM. (Slide P24)
Problem: Given a stream of s and s, how many s are in the last bits?
- Idea: Summarize blocks with specific number of 1s
- A Buckets:
- a: The timestamp of its end [ bits]
- b: The number of 1s in its begin and end [ bits]
- Algorithm:
num 1s = sum((all buckets)\(last bucket)) + size(last)/2 - An Example: (Slide P35)
- Error Bounded:
Bloom filter: Filtering a data Stream
- Notes:
- is the set of keys we want to filtered.
- is bit array,
- is the hash function, are independent hash functions.
- Algorithm:
- Judgment: The new coming stream element only if where
- An Example: (Time: 5:31)
- The fraction of 1s in ? (Slide: 13)
- The false positive probability:
- The optimal is
- Summary:
- No false negatives
- Suitable for hardware implementation
- [1 big ] v.s [ small s] are same, but 1 big is simpler
- Notes:
Counting distinct element: Flajolet-Martin counting distinct elements
- is hash function
- is all the elements
Algorithm:(Slide: 20)
A problem:
If we , our estimation double
The solution: Using many hash functions and get many samples
- Partition samples into small groups
- The the median of the groups
- Take the average of the medians
Finding Similar Items: Locality-sensitive hashing
The GoalFind near-neighbors in high-dim and space Jaccard similarity and distance
Jaccard similarity:
Jaccard distance:
An Example:
Step1: Shingling: Convert documents to sets.
Step2: Min-hashing (building the signature matrix)
- Convert large sets to short signatures, while preserving similarity
- How to do it?
Goal is to find documents with Jaccard similarity at least .
Idea: Hash column of signature several times. The similar column will be hashed into same bucket with high probability.
How to do?:
Select number of and for better performance:
Graph Analysis: PageRank
Recursive flow formulation- The Explain
- An Example
- Algorithm:
- Iteration:
Iteration is power.
Random walk interpretation
- Where to go at time slot
- What is Dead Ends and Spider Traps
- How to solve? Teleports
- An Example
Some Exercises
1. Introduction:
2. MapReduce:
3. Spark:
4. Recommendation System:
- 5.1 Midterm questions
(Question 12-16)
Processor Speed:
Disk Size:
Main-Memory Size:
Ans: usermean =
5. Clustering:
5.1 Midterm questions
(Question 9 ,11)
What is the centroid of and ?
Which limitation of kmeans is addressed by CURE?
Ans: CURE can produce clusters of arbitrary shape
What is the centroid of and ?
5.2 Suggested Exercise
Perform a hierarchical clustering of the one-dimensional set of points , assuming clusters are represented by their centroid (average), and at each step the clusters with the closest centroids are merged.
5.3 Extra Exercise
6. Frequent itemsets:
6.1 Midterm questions
(Question 6-8)
Ans: , ,
7. Stream processing:
- 7.1 Midterm questions None!!!
- 7.2 Suggested Exercise [Exercise 4.4.1 page 145]
8. LSH:
7.1 Midterm questions(Question 2-5)
9. PageRank:
- 9.1 Midterm questions None!!!
- 9.2 Suggested Exercise [Exercise 5.1.1 page 193]
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